Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Barber Foods Table Manners Twitter Party

 Table Manners are something you don't hear discussed very much anymore. Growing up I was used to casual family dinners and get togethers and laughter often ensued for the occasional mishap, like when an uncle braced himself against the table to retrieve a dropped fork and sent the tablecloth flying along with plates and glasses.
 If you're like me you probably know quite a few people who could use a refresher course on dinner table etiquette.

 Barber Foods and The Product Review Place are hosting a Special Table Manners Twitter Party On Thursday, October 14th, 2010 from 7:30-9:30 PM EST. Table manners guru Sherry Thomas will be in attendance to answer all of your etiquette questions and a ton of fabulous prizes will be handed out. Just click on the brown Barber foods button below to RSVP-can't wait to see everyone there!

Barber Foods


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